33 results

The power of positive climate narratives

  • Year of release: 2025
  • Name of podcast: My Climate Journey
  • Language: English
  • Post category:Podcasts

A wide-ranging conversation with Dr. Denise Baden about the role of storytelling as a lever for climate action, her work in researching how characters who demonstrate positive behaviors tend to drive better outcomes than fear mongering via disaster scenarios, and how the climate attitudes amongst her students have changed during her time in academia.

The Climate Stories Our World Needs Now

  • Publication year: 2024
  • Media: Time
  • Language: English
  • Post category:Articles

This moment in history could be the moment when we flick the switch to change tracks—a moment when those with the privilege and agency to do so decide that we’re going to create a new story for today: a story of possibility, opportunity, hope, empathy, and connection.

The 2024 Imagine contest collection

  • Publication year: 2026
  • Media: Grist
  • Language: English
  • Post category:Articles

From 1,000 submissions, our reviewers and judges selected the three winners and nine finalists you will discover in this collection. These stories explore the challenges ahead, but offer hope that we can work together to build a more sustainable and just world.

The climate case for joy (selection of stories)

  • Publication year: 2021
  • Media: Fix Solutions Lab
  • Language: English
  • Post category:Articles

Joy can strengthen our resolve, help us uncover creative solutions, and bolster our resilience. It’s a statement to ourselves and the world that we are still here, undefeated. In this issue, we look at why joy is so crucial in this moment, how to make space for it, and the surprising ways people are channeling it to do better climate and justice work.

How to talk to a climate change sceptic

  • Year of release: 2025
  • Name of podcast: Radio Davos - World Economic Forum
  • Language: English
  • Post category:Podcasts

A conversations with Katherine Hayhoe about reframing climate conversations positively to inspire action and about how people's views on climate change are more nuanced than just believers or deniers. Most people don't outright reject climate science and risks, but have questions.

How do you lough about death?’: the comedians tackling climate change

  • Publication year: 2023
  • Media: The Guardian
  • Language: English
  • Post category:Articles

Comedians and comedy programs have started to find ways to speak to the climate crisis in their work but how can something so heavy create laughter? Comedy – even if it’s about heavy topics like climate change – can motivate feelings of hope and optimism and combat doomism.

Positivity in the apocalypse: can a climate fiction novel be uplifting?

  • Publication year: 2023
  • Media: Climate Fiction Writers League Blog
  • Language: English
  • Post category:Articles

In this article former physicist, Lauren James, describes her journey to writing her climate change focused novel, Green Rising, and her quest to tackle such a huge, complex topic in a way which felt uplifting, that was character and story focussed. Eventually, she realised that she needed to focus on writing about characters who are actively working to slow climate change, rather than writing a story showing the terrors to come.

“Worry is good, fear is bad”: getting the climate message across

  • Year of release: 2023
  • Name of podcast: Climate Cast
  • Language: English
  • Post category:Podcasts

In March 2023 the UN released one of its scientific reports offering humanity a 'final warning' to avoid climate catastrophe - but it barely got any coverage. Podcast host Tom Heap explores the question: what is it about bleak climate assessments that can cause people to switch off? He talks to psychologist Dr Sander van der Linden why our brains struggle to process news that scares people and speaks to comedian Tom Walker, AKA Jonathan Pie, about using humour to get the point across.